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DoubleKiller Pro » Order

Order DoubleKiller Pro

You can order DoubleKiller Pro online over a secure connection. The order will immediately be processed by our partner stripe.
If you are a commercial customer and can only purchase on account, please order by mail or email!


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More Information

Please click the headlines to learn more about buying DoubleKiller Pro and the processing of your order.

Pricing Information
How can I pay?
Which and how many licences do I need?
What do I get?
  • Licence: By buying DoubleKiller Pro, you are buying one or more licences permitting you to use it in the way described here. Furthermore DoubleKiller Pro may be copied and distributed by the licence holder to the extent allowed by the number of licences purchased – i.e., when you own two licences, you may copy DoubleKiller Pro to two computers only; if DoubleKiller Pro is stored on a central server, you have to restrict the access to it to the computers you purchased licences for.
  • Software: In addition to the licence you are receiving a personal login code for our customer's area where you can download the full version of DoubleKiller Pro.
  • Updates: You can freely download any updates published in a period of 18 months after your purchase in the customer's area. An extension of this period will possibly cost a small fee in future, but so far all updates have been free for all customers.
  • Support: In the customer's area you can request free support by email. These requests will be handled before any regular emails to ensure short reply times.
What is the refund policy?
